Yes, South Korea plans to have 5G data connections in place with speeds 1,000 times faster than existing 4G speeds by 2020. An 800MB movie would take a mere second to download. Dvice says “if we extrapolate that speed claim, entire Blu-rays would only take 5.12 seconds (4GB) to 15.36 seconds (12GB) to download. Even large files such as PS4 games would only require 25.6 seconds (20GB) to 38.4 seconds (30GB) to download.” Continue reading for a video and more information.

According to ExtremeTech: “If things move quickly, we might have a 5G standard by 2015 or 2016. The South Korean roadmap, following the government’s $1.5 billion investment, wants to see a trial 5G deployment in 2017, and a commercial service by the end of 2020. The main barrier to developing a 5G standard, though, is finding a suitable way of pushing gigabits of data through the air without interfering with other wireless services and without burning through the battery.”

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A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.