


A super moon will be upon us this weekend and it’s basically “the nickname for a full moon that coincides with the moon’s arrival at perigee – the point in its orbit that brings it closest to Earth for the month; perigees occur because the moon’s orbit around Earth is not a perfect circle.” Continue reading for an explanation video and more pictures.

Claude, a 15-pound Tasmanian giant crab spotted off the shores of Tasmania, “was on his way to an industrial-size steamer before being bought by a British Aquarium for $4,800.” The scary part is that he’s continuing to grow and will reach an estimated width of 15-inch across and weigh up to 30-pounds. Continue reading for a video and more pictures.

Called the Festo SmartInversion, this strange, helium-filled flying machine is unlike any other, because it’s “a six-sided articulated ring of prisms that attaches to a cube, and when it’s unleashed, it can start folding into new geometric shapes; as it turns itself inside out, it moves forward.” Continue reading for a video.

New Scientist reports that it’s held together by a carbon-fiber framework, and three motors control its motion, governed by a pre-programmed onboard computer. Designers at Festo, also known for their nature-inspired robots, are now sponsoring a competition for students to figure out some practical uses for this thing.

[Sources 1 | 2]

Most people have enough trouble worrying about which YouTube video they should watch next, much less have the time to scour the internet for strange (yet true) facts about animals. Fortunately, these images will help anyone who’s actually been looking. Continue reading to see them all.

[Sources 1 | 2]

Fire Tornado

A fire tornado, or fire whirl, happens when a flame is under certain conditions (air temperature and currents being the two most important factors) and acquires a vertical vorticity. The image above shows one of these rare fire tornadoes rising from a burning building. Click here to view the first image in today’s viral picture gallery, courtesy of Imgur.com. Continue reading to see a fire tornado on video.