


Here’s a first: a researcher using a fiber laser to recreate Portal’s “Still Alive” song. According to its composer, “by turning the laser on and off hundreds of times per second it acts almost like a speaker cone moving back and forth hundreds of times per second – making various pitches.” One caveat: “some pitches are off key and will always be due to the laser “only” being accurate to .001″.” Continue reading for the video.

Art credit (top): DigitalLops

This amazing steampunk Portal gun would go quite well with this Optimus Prime helmet and / or Iron Man suit to say the least. It was created by deviantART member batman-n-bananas and includes “parts from an antique clock, hangers, plumbing parts, a plant pot, various lids, plastic tub, a pocket laser disc, lightbulbs, ‘metal covering from an old hairbrush’ and gallons and gallons of glue.” Continue reading for more pictures.

[via TechnabobdeviantART]

From afar, you may think you’re actually looking at the real-life Wheatley from Portal 2, but it’s actually just an amazingly detailed prop. Simply put, “the replica is made of lightweight plastic and coated with acrylic paint. Its face and eye lids are moveable and the batteries take care of Wheatley’s glowing eye.” In related news, continue reading to watch Why, Wheatley, Why?, a Portal 2 music video.

[via Technabob]

When Portal meets basketball, things can get a bit out of hand, literally. Let’s just say that whoever you’re playing against shouldn’t trash talk, or else they may end up being transported through the hoop, rather than the basketball. Continue reading for the video.

Portal may not be the world’s most popular game, but that hasn’t stopped these cosplayers from imitating their favorite characters from the game, notably Chell. If you’ve never even heard of this game, the player essentially “controls the protagonist, Chell, from a first-person perspective as she is challenged to navigate through a series of rooms using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (portal gun or ASHPD).” Click here for more pictures. Continue reading for a video.

[Sources 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7]

Ever wonder what a real-life portal — based on the video game — would look like in real-life? We’ll probably never know, but this incredible 3D chalk art masterpiece gives you an idea, or so we’d like to think. Click here to see more of today’s most popular images. Continue reading to watch an amazing Portal short film by fans.