Ah, the 90s, a time when Where’s Waldo, Keenan & Kel, Hey Arnold!, Captain Planet, and Full House ruled North American households. This is what College Humor thinks they’d talk about on Facebook. First up, we have Carmen San Diego wondering where Waldo is hiding at Club Boogie. Click here to see them all.

[via CollegeHumor]

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Ah, the 90s, a time when Where’s Waldo, Keenan & Kel, Hey Arnold!, Captain Planet, and Full House ruled North American households. This is what College Humor thinks they’d talk about on Facebook. First up, we have Carmen San Diego wondering where Waldo is hiding at Club Boogie. Click here to see them all.

[via CollegeHumor]

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A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.