DAPReview gives us a hands-on preview of the Insignia Amigo. Just to recap, this player comes in 1GB ($99) or 2GB ($129) capacities and sports a vibrant 1.2-inch OLED display. Other features include a built-in FM tuner, 5 EQ modes, line-in encoding for “Easy-CD Ripping”, and 18-hours battery life. It supports MP3, WMA, WMA-DRM (subscription), Audible, and JPEG formats. Video after the jump. [via DAPReview.net]

DAPReview gives us a hands-on preview of the Insignia Amigo. Just to recap, this player comes in 1GB ($99) or 2GB ($129) capacities and sports a vibrant 1.2-inch OLED display. Other features include a built-in FM tuner, 5 EQ modes, line-in encoding for “Easy-CD Ripping”, and 18-hours battery life. It supports MP3, WMA, WMA-DRM (subscription), Audible, and JPEG formats. Video after the jump. [via DAPReview.net]


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.