The Novint Falcon is one of the first PC controller interfaces to offer force feedback, perfect for games. You grasp the ball-shaped object and move it around in any direction for real time interaction. Popular Mechanics provides us with a hands-on demonstration after the jump.

This 3D force feedback controller nudges back against your hand when you fire a pistol in Half-Life 2, like a more powerful version of a game console’s internal rumble. But switch to a shotgun, and the grip slams back—not as hard as the real thing, but enough to throw off your aim—even making you a bit nervous before firing another round

The Novint Falcon is one of the first PC controller interfaces to offer force feedback, perfect for games. You grasp the ball-shaped object and move it around in any direction for real time interaction. Popular Mechanics provides us with a hands-on demonstration after the jump.

This 3D force feedback controller nudges back against your hand when you fire a pistol in Half-Life 2, like a more powerful version of a game console’s internal rumble. But switch to a shotgun, and the grip slams back—not as hard as the real thing, but enough to throw off your aim—even making you a bit nervous before firing another round


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.