
Though it may look like something from a science fiction movie, the Battelle DroneDefender is real. Simply put, it uses radio waves to fool the drone into believing it’s out of range of its owner. It works within a 400-meter radius, and once disabled, the UAV “will commonly do one of three things: “It will drop to the ground, return to its operator or descend in a controlled manner,” according to Battelle spokeswoman Katy Delaney. Continue reading for another video and more information.

“At the moment it can only be used by federal authorities with appropriate FCC approvals. We are exploring future uses as regulations about drone technology evolve. We cannot be specific about cost other than to say it is highly affordable. We opted to make the [person using the ‘rifle’] our detector and decision maker,” adds Delaney.


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.