3D-Print Robot Hand Functional Tendons
While not as large as this cosmic hand, MIT and ETH Zurich researchers have managed to develop a new technique to 3D-print a robot hand with functional tendons in one go. Put simply, the printer utilizes resins that harden when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, and builds up 3D objects layer by layer rather than printing a single sheet.

Fabricating detailed objects like this robot hand is possible due to its ability to print at extremely high resolution, with voxels measuring just a few micrometers across. The device you see here features rigid bones modeled after MRI scans of real human hands and elastic tendons, the latter of which can be connected to servos to curl the fingers in toward the palm.

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3D-Print Robot Hand Functional Tendons

We can actually now create a structure or a robot in one shot. It might require maybe adding a motor here or there, but the actual complexity of the structure is all there,” said Robert Katzschmann, ETH Zurich.


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.