Johnny Bohmer, owner of this heavily modified, twin-turbo 1700-horsepower Ford GT took this car to the landing facility at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and set a new, verified Guinness World Record for the fastest standing mile in a street car. He managed to hit an eye-watering 283.3mph (456 km/hr). Powered by a twin-turbocharged 5.4-litre Ford V8, complete with an upgraded intercooler and fuel system, the gearbox had to be strengthened to support the massive power, while the chassis remains completely stock. However, it’s not just a show car, as Bohmer regularly drops off and picks up his kids from school in the monstrous vehicle. Continue reading for more interesting, yet random, photos.
18. Super Moon in Radio Telescope

17. Damaged AT-AT Walker

16. Beautiful Door in Paris, France

15. Blizzcon Cosplayer

14. Snickers Bar Without Chocolate

13. Charmander Stained Glass Window

12. .50BMG (left) vs. 20mm Rifle Round

11. Jaguar XJ220

10. Engine That Ran for 84,000-Miles Without an Oil Change

9. Self-Feeding Log Fire

8. Crockpot Hot Chocolate

7. True Size of the Moon

6. Gobi Desert Oasis

5. Volcanic Eruption as Seen from Space

4. China’s Flower Ocean

3. Tree with 40,000 Lights

2. Oymyakon: The Coldest City on Earth.

1. Tiger Stone Brick-Laying Machine