Called the BugASalt, this portable cannon uses ordinary table salt to obliterate insects, namely flies. Thankfully, “using salt for the water-pistol-like weapon means the gun is effectively harmless against people – in the video, even a plastic bag survives a close-up blast.” Continue reading for a video and more information.

But for flies, the attack is deadly, with a video montage showing fly after fly perish thanks to a bit of salt. If you are eager for a BugASalt, you are sure to be in luck – Maggiore originally asked for $15,000 to bring his creation to life, but his pitch hit a chord with fans, who have so far raised $62,000 with 45 days left before the fundraising drive ends.

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A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.