Now that you’ve seen the world’s most luxurious Las Vegas villas / suites, Maldives resorts, first class airplane suites, private jets, and iPhone 5 handsets, it’s time to check out the EGO-SE 450. This luxurious semi-submarine (entire craft does not go underwater) enables you to explore the ocean floor without even getting wet, thanks to its two floating hulls on either side of the central cabin that sits below the water’s edge. Continue reading for a video, more pictures, and additional information.

In addition to the two floating hulls, Penguin boasts electric thrusters as well as a joystick steering panel, two seats and windows so you can see underwater without any specialist diving equipment. For those who live in South Korea, you can see it in-person at the Korea International Boat Show from May 30 – June 2, 2013.



A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.