No, the Dyson Lightcycle Morph isn’t the name of a future TRON vehicle, but rather an innovative lamp with unique local daylight tracking that delivers light throughout a room in four different formats – as an indirect, task, feature or ambient light. Users can personalize it using the Dyson Link App, which intelligently adjusts the light it emits depending on the user’s task, age, mood and local daylight.
When you dock it as an ambient light, the stem lights up to create a comforting, orange glow and can be set for evening relaxation with further reduced blue light. The dock comes equipped with a color warming orange filter to produce the warmest light levels, while reducing the color temperature down further from 2,700K to 1,800K, mimicking the color of a real candle light. It’s available now for $650 USD (desktop) / $850 (floor) in silver, black and brass colors.
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With the Dyson Lightcycle Morph, our aim was to challenge the fundamental conventions of contemporary artificial lighting and find a solution. So we developed a light that tracks natural day light and intelligently transforms for different uses – providing the right light, at the right time, precisely where it’s needed,” said Jake Dyson, Chief Engineer.