Solar Roadway France

Finally, the world’s first solar road has opened in Tourouvre-au-Perche, a small village in Normandy, France. Currently, there is only 1-kilometer of panels installed, and it could generate enough electricity to power the street lights. Unlike the ones you see on homes, these panels have been covered in a silicon-based resin capable of withstanding the weight of cars (and trucks). French Ecology Minister Segolene Roya Royal aims to cover at least 1,000-kilometers of highway in France with solar roadways, and possibly powering an entire city. Click here to view the first image in today’s viral picture gallery. Continue reading for the five most popular viral videos today, including one explaining all the different lightsaber colors.

5. Star Wars Lightsaber Colors Explained

4. Destroying an iMac in Super Slow Motion

3. Opening a Can with Your Bare Hands

2. Cutting Things with a 1000° Knife

1. 15 Facts You May Not Have Known About Mario


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.