Bio Refrigerator Gel

We have seen the future of refrigerators, and it includes the Bio Robot Refrigerator. This strange-looking creation can be mounted on a wall (horizontally, vertically or even on the ceiling), and it doesn’t have a motor or other traditional technology. That’s right, the bio gel does all the work – so, 90% of the appliance is actual usable space. Simply place the food into its biopolymer gel, which has no odor and is not sticky by the way, and it’s magically suspended and cooled until you need it again. Continue reading for more pictures and information.

Bio Fridge Gel

“Probably the best thing about this concept machine is that it uses zero energy for cooling – it just needs energy for its little control pad. Compared to the typical modern fridge, which uses about 8% of a household’s energy, this nifty-looking gadget of the future could cut our energy use significantly,” reports Inhabitat.


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.