Magic Productions has remastered Eric Chahi’s “Out of this World” game — originally released in 1991 — with high-resolution graphics. A free demo can be downloaded here. Click image for a full-sized screenshot.

From the article: “After an extended absence from the gaming industry, Eric Chahi has a new project in progress. Make Eric happy and rich, convince him there are gamers out there with taste, gamers worth making games for. Do this, and some day maybe we’ll get something as good as Another World again.”

[IdleThumbs via Joystiq]

Magic Productions has remastered Eric Chahi’s “Out of this World” game — originally released in 1991 — with high-resolution graphics. A free demo can be downloaded here. Click image for a full-sized screenshot.

From the article: “After an extended absence from the gaming industry, Eric Chahi has a new project in progress. Make Eric happy and rich, convince him there are gamers out there with taste, gamers worth making games for. Do this, and some day maybe we’ll get something as good as Another World again.”

[IdleThumbs via Joystiq]


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.