Hand gestures are just one of the many methods used to control robots now days — providing “an expressive, natural and… all intuitive way for humans to control robotic systems to perform specific tasks”. Video demonstration after the jump

Human-robot interaction using hand gestures provides a formidable challenge. This is because the environment contains a complex background, dynamic lighting conditions, a deformable human hand shape, and a real-time execution requirement

Hand gestures are just one of the many methods used to control robots now days — providing “an expressive, natural and… all intuitive way for humans to control robotic systems to perform specific tasks”. Video demonstration after the jump

Human-robot interaction using hand gestures provides a formidable challenge. This is because the environment contains a complex background, dynamic lighting conditions, a deformable human hand shape, and a real-time execution requirement


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.