Thanko’s BINOCA01 combines the functionality of a 2.0-megapixel camera and binoculars into one device. It’s powered by two AA batteries and features 32MB of built-in memory. A few caveats: there’s no LCD to preview your shots and it’s lacking a memory card expansion slot. This device measures 116 x 67 x 37mm and weighs in at 215g. Expect to shell out $145 for this multi-purpose gadget. Available now in Japan. [via SciFiNewLaunches]

Thanko’s BINOCA01 combines the functionality of a 2.0-megapixel camera and binoculars into one device. It’s powered by two AA batteries and features 32MB of built-in memory. A few caveats: there’s no LCD to preview your shots and it’s lacking a memory card expansion slot. This device measures 116 x 67 x 37mm and weighs in at 215g. Expect to shell out $145 for this multi-purpose gadget. Available now in Japan. [via SciFiNewLaunches]


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.