Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway, gives us another look at his robotic prosthetic arm. Continue reading to watch.

Shown as “Gen X – Separate Exo Control,” the robotic arm was seen demonstrated by team members grasping a water bottle from a friend, picking up an ink pen and turning the wrist over in order to write, and even scratching his nose. Kamen explained that haptic response was paramount, and the “fully completed” prototype sports 14 degrees of freedom (and actuators) and weighs less than nine pounds

[via Engadget]

Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway, gives us another look at his robotic prosthetic arm. Continue reading to watch.

Shown as “Gen X – Separate Exo Control,” the robotic arm was seen demonstrated by team members grasping a water bottle from a friend, picking up an ink pen and turning the wrist over in order to write, and even scratching his nose. Kamen explained that haptic response was paramount, and the “fully completed” prototype sports 14 degrees of freedom (and actuators) and weighs less than nine pounds

[via Engadget]


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.