You’ve probably heard the phrase, “once in a blue moon”, far too often, and this rare phenomena is actually happening tonight. That’s right, a blue moon happens when there are two full moons in a month, “and today is the day, when for the first time in two years we will be treated to our second full moon in August, thanks to the moon last reaching its peak on August 2.” Continue reading for a video and more information.

But look up tonight when our solar neighbour makes an appearance, and you’ll be seeing the first ‘blue moon’ since March 2010, and the last one until July 2015. The reason why we call it a ‘blue moon’ is lost to history, although the Farmers’ Almanac would always note an occurrence during the 18th century.



A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.