You’ve seen the Minecraft Starship Enterprise, now we’ve rounded up thirty more amazing creations that were created by the game’s players. Click here to see them all.

[via UnrealitymagRedstonewire]

Photo DomoPhoto EmoticonsPhoto Dig DugPhoto TetrisPhoto Bubble BobblePhoto LuigiPhoto UFOPhoto Rubik's CubePhoto Street FighterPhoto Portal Companion CubePhoto Mario Piranha PlantPhoto McDonaldsPhoto UnderdogPhoto PokemonPhoto N64 LogoPhoto Mega ManPhoto HumveePhoto PikachuPhoto iPhone, iPod TouchPhoto CrysisPhoto Dragon Ball ZPhoto YoshiPhoto Goomba and GhostPhoto Phoenix Wright: Ace AttorneyPhoto NES ControllerPhoto SpongeBob SquarePantsPhoto PokeballPhoto LinkPhoto Metroid SamusPhoto Mario Raccoon Suit

You’ve seen the Minecraft Starship Enterprise, now we’ve rounded up thirty more amazing creations that were created by the game’s players. Click here to see them all.

[via UnrealitymagRedstonewire]

Photo DomoPhoto EmoticonsPhoto Dig DugPhoto TetrisPhoto Bubble BobblePhoto LuigiPhoto UFOPhoto Rubik's CubePhoto Street FighterPhoto Portal Companion CubePhoto Mario Piranha PlantPhoto McDonaldsPhoto UnderdogPhoto PokemonPhoto N64 LogoPhoto Mega ManPhoto HumveePhoto PikachuPhoto iPhone, iPod TouchPhoto CrysisPhoto Dragon Ball ZPhoto YoshiPhoto Goomba and GhostPhoto Phoenix Wright: Ace AttorneyPhoto NES ControllerPhoto SpongeBob SquarePantsPhoto PokeballPhoto LinkPhoto Metroid SamusPhoto Mario Raccoon Suit


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.