Google Chrome is quickly becoming one of the most popular web browsers due to its speed, security, and plethora of extensions. Some of them make viewing FaceBook photos easier and others even allow you to watch live TV channels from around the world. Continue reading to see five of the coolest extensions.
1. Turn Off the Lights
Turn Off the Lights is the perfect extension for any Chrome user wanting to dim the browser page’s surroundings while viewing documents, videos, etc. Simply click the button located on the URL bar, and you’re set to watch. Download page.
2. FaceBook Photo Zoom
Having to click on FaceBook photos to view them in a larger size can get annoying after a while. The FaceBook Photo Zoom extension fixes that problem by directly integrating with “Facebook so you can see the larger images of photo albums, profile photos and more whenever you hover over a zoomable image.” Download page.
3. Speed Dial
Why bookmark, when you can Speed Dial? This nifty extension lets users create a special page with its own theme and background for their favorite websites. Best of all, you can use the site logos as the speed dial image. Download page.
4. TV Chrome
Anyone on a Windows PC or have the Windows Media Player plug-in installed can enjoy TV channels from around the world, thanks to TV Chrome. The extension page claims to have 2780 live TV channels sorted by category and country for your viewing enjoyment. Download page.
5. Chromey Calculator
Chromey Calculator combines the power of Google with the Wolfram|Alpha to bring you a versatile scrolling, number crunching extension. Plus, it adds three new features: Persistent printer tape style history, Persistent links to original source of each result, and Persistent user variables. Download page.