US Air Force Laser Weapons

The Tie Fighter / X-Wing battles you see in Star Wars may be closer to reality than you think, as US Air Force claims that combat lasers will be fitted to fighters planes by 2020. These directed-energy weapons could be used to disable incoming missiles, drones, and enemy aircraft for a much lower price than traditional missiles. “We see the technology evolving and maturing to the stage where it really can be used. You could have an unlimited magazine…loitering aircraft that could address and access a wide variety of targets. I believe we’ll have a directed energy pod we can put on a fighter plane very soon,” said Air Force General Hawk Carlisle. Click here to view the first image in today’s viral picture gallery. Continue reading for the five most popular viral videos today, including one showing what it’s like to fly in a $32,000 Etihad Residence to Abu Dhabi.

5. Make Your Own R2-D2 Model

4. Darth Santa

3. What Flying in a $32,000 Suite is Like

2. Devils Fingers

1. Drilling Into an 11,000-Volt Power Cable


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.