At just $.50, the “Foldoscope” is an incredible new microscope that basically consists of cardstock parts, a budget-priced ($.17) spherical lens, a small LED, diffuser panel, and a watch battery for power. It takes just under ten minutes to build, and packs flat, “leaving plenty of room for other kit – or for additional Foldscopes, in the event that they’re going to be used to examine hazardous samples and may need to be disposed of after a single use,” according to Continue reading for a video and more information. reports, “There are plenty of other exciting possibilities for Foldscope, too. Prakesh’s students have come up with numerous accessory ideas, including a smartphone interface. And who knows, perhaps the team will fully open source the design of the microscope itself and post it somewhere like Thingiverse so that we can make our own.”