CopterPack Gen 2 Backpack Helicopter
With a frame made from carbon fiber honeycomb, the CopterPack Gen 2 is the lightest electric backpack helicopter yet. Details are scarce at this point, but we do know that it boasts an all-electric propulsion system that drives two rotors on each side of the backpack. Everything appears to be controlled with two joysticks, while self-leveling autopilot aims to keep you safe.

Since CopterPack is still in the development stage, pricing and availability have not yet been announced. The company does mention that it aims to make CopterPack feel like your body becomes a apart of the aircraft. Flying at night? There are ultra bright LEDs to keep things illuminated, which would definitely come in handy for rescue missions. For purely size comparison purposes, did you know that Koenigsegg’s Quark electric motor used in their hypercars can also fit in a backpack?

Segway Ninebot S Smart Self-Balancing Electric Scooter, Dual 400W Motor, Max 13.7 Miles Range & 10MPH,...
  • Eye-catching black design, compact at 28 lbs, 220 lbs max load. Age: 16-50. Height: 3.11-6.6".
  • High-performance battery: Dual 400W motors, 10 mph max speed, 13.7 miles per charge, 15° slope.
  • Illuminating LED lights for visibility.

CopterPack Gen 2 Backpack Helicopter
CopterPack Gen 2 Backpack Helicopter


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.