Flyboard Air Hoverboard

Photo credit: The Daily Mail

Franky Zapata has unveiled an all-new hoverboard called the “Flyboard Air”. This device is claimed to allow users to fly untethered through the sky up to 10,000 feet at a top speed of 93mph, powered by an Independent Propulsion System, which could be jet turbine engines. “The Independent Propulsion Unit represents 4 years of hard work for a result exceeding all records. Although the UFO is still in prototype phase and won’t be on the market in 2016, it has exactly the same behavior as the WFD Flyboard Pro Series,” said Zapata Racing. Click here to view the first image in today’s viral picture gallery. Continue reading for the five most popular viral videos today, including an amazing clip of someone skateboarding through an empty water park in Dubai.

5. The Dog Juggler

4. What’s Actually Inside an Etch A Sketch

3. Building the Ultimate Star Wars Lightsaber

2. Unreal Zipline Mountain Bike Filming

1. Skateboarding in an Empty Dubai Water Park


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.