Mako Slingshot Jetboard

Why surf, when you could hop on a Mako Slingshot Jetboard? This gadget is powered by a Rotron XT100 engine that generates 15 hp, mated to a high-rpm aluminum jet drive that can hit a top speed of 30 mph, while running for 40 minutes continuously at full throttle. Weighing in at just 43-pounds, the board itself is made from carbon fiber, complete with a V-hull design that offers precise control over any type of water. Click here for the first image in today’s viral picture gallery. Continue reading for the five most popular viral videos today, including one of a record breaking Koenigsegg Regera 0-400 run.

5. Record Breaking Koenigsegg Regera 0-400 Run

4. Google Pixel 2 Impressions

3. How to Get Your Car to Make Sharper Turns

2. What Would Happen if All Bugs Died

1. BMW Hot Tub First Test


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.