LEGO House Denmark

Located in Billund, Denmark, the real-life LEGO House has just opened, and it’s a mere 10 minute drive from the airport. This 12,000-square-meter space was designed to look like 21 giant LEGO bricks stacked atop each other, topped by a 2×4 block keystone. It took approximately 7-years to complete, with the exterior facade composed mainly of clay tiles. There’s a store, several exhibition areas, restaurants, four color-coded play rooms, and approximately 25 million LEGO bricks inside. Click here to view the first image in today’s viral picture gallery. Continue reading for the five most popular viral videos today, including one of the twenty-five greatest Super Nintendo games of all-time.

5. The 25 Greatest Super Nintendo Games of All-Time

4. Gravitational Waves Explained

3. Google Ultra Pixel

2. Why You Can’t Fly a Plane Into Space

1. How to Make Napalm on Toast


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.