Tankenstein WW2 Tank

Photo credit: Barcroft Cars

What happens when you combine a World War 2 tank with parts from a Chevy hot rod? Shawn Cormier’s “Tankenstein” of course. It’s built around the base of a World War II brand gun cure from 1944, with a Chevy drive train, a small block Chevy turbo 350 trim mission, standard four gear in the back and the top part of a 1947 Mercury truck. “I can still say Tankenstein is the only ratrod tank in the world. One time I was talking to my brother and he said there’s an old truck cab by his old house. We went and looked in the woods and there was an old truck laying there. I bought it home, I cut the boat a foot and a half off the bottom of the cab that was rotted away, stuck it on top and that’s how Tankenstein started,” said Cormier. Continue reading for another video and more information.

“When I pull up with Trankenstein at car show, people come running over to watch it. There’s a lot of people interested, who say, ‘What is it?’, I say ‘What is it? It’s Trankenstein.’ Trankenstien is powered by a 305, its got roughly about 175 horse power, she will do about 45-50 miles and hour top end that is red lined,” Cormier told Barcroft Cars.


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