Would you pay $2.50 for a glass of water? Well, that’s exactly what the Molecule Water Cafe in NYC serves up. Alexander Venet and Adam Ruhf opened the Molecule Cafe in East Village so “people can buy tap water purified through a complex seven-step process – they have this $25,000 machine that uses UV light, ozone treatments, and reverse osmosis to make superior-grade water.” Continue reading for a video, more pictures, and additional information.


There’s the to-go option, in a nicely designed glass bottle for $2.50 which you can have plain or with vitamin supplements and/or herbal infusions at an additional cost. If you bring your own container, water refills are provided at a range of $1 for a canteen to $10 for 5 gallons. A delivery service is in the works as well as “water blessing” events.


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A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.