Model A S2000

This project all began with James Schwartz’s custom 1930 Ford Model A project in 2015, which consisted of a Model A body on a custom tube chassis, all powered by a Honda S2000 F20C inline-four, mated to a 6-speed manual transmission. Two-years later, Ricky Boada acquired the vehicle, and several upgrades ensued, including a modified firewall, chassis around the transmission, rear wing, new mounts and a custom diffuser. Continue reading for a more detailed video, pictures and information.

“After air is mixed with fuel and converted into pure joy the spent fumes scream out a custom-built 4-1 header and dump out the side pipe. Ricky says he wants to tune the exhaust for a better note so you’ll have to wait for a follow-up when the car’s finished to get a sound clip out of me. On that note, the interior is in a fairly stark condition at this point. While it’s enough to keep the water out of the cockpit, Ricky’s discovered that moisture continues to creep into the dash,” according to Speed Hunters.


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.