Smallest SNES

Raspberry Pi can be used to build many things, including the world’s smallest SNES, or at least a miniature device that looks like one. Gaming enthusiast Hugo doris hand-crafted the clay shell for his SNES Micro, which consists of a Raspberry Pi Zero board and a USB hub. The finished produce runs an SNES emulator that could play just about any NES game as well. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to plug in any of the original controllers, which is understandable due to the original slots being larger than the micro console itself, but I’m sure you’ll find plenty of worthy alternatives. Click here to view the first image in this week’s funny Facebook status updates gallery. Continue reading for a viral video of a cool vertical coin bank.


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.