That’s right, Team Hot Wheels drivers, Tanner Foust and Greg Tracy, have just set an all-new Guinness World Record by racing their two vehicles through a six-story, double-vertical loop at X-Games 2012 in Los Angeles. Continue reading to see the record-breaking run as well as for more information on the stunt.

“We’ve done large-scale stuff before,” said Dave McKay, of Laissez Faire, the company that designed and created the physical structure for the stunt. “But this is the biggest stunt that I’ve ever been apart of.”

It’s a race and a stunt in one, with the drivers racing two purpose-built cars at 52 mph down separate tracks that merge into one big loop, where they will face a a gravitational force of 7 G’s (that’s what a fighter pilot feels), before being spit out on the other side to complete a jump. First one through wins.

[Sources 1 | 2]


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.