Conquest Knight XV

Think of the Conquest Knight XV as a street-legal military vehicle that can be upgraded with built-in oxygen survival kits, under-vehicle magnetic attachment detection systems, multiple armor levels and even a black box system. Its armor is not just for show, as this 13,000-pound vehicle is shielded with ballistic steel and ballistic fiberglass fenders as well as a bumper. The engine provides 325-horsepower and 400 lb-ft of torque. Click hereClick here to view the first image in today’s viral picture gallery. Continue reading for the five most popular viral videos today, including one of a mind-blowing anamorphic skull illusion.

5. Anamorphic Skull Illusion

4. Using Crayons to Make a Bud Vase

3. Boots the Cat Builds an Igloo

2. How We Actually Make Memories

1. The Invisible


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.