Amazon Toy Catalog

Amazon’s Black Friday extravaganza hasn’t even begun yet, but they are already starting their holiday marketing campaign by mailing out millions of copies of its first toy catalog, called “A Holiday of Play,” which pays tribute to the late Toys”R”Us. Inside, you’ll find action figures, dolls, subscription boxes, LEGO sets, and even a $500 Canon EOS Rebel T6 camera kit. Continue reading to flip through the entire catalog.

“But you’ll need to go online to find out those prices as there aren’t any in the catalog, presumably because they tend to fluctuate. As such, the catalog implores you to scan items with the Amazon app to learn more. The pages are also dotted with Amazon’s SmileCodes. When you scan these, the app takes you to a page with related gift ideas,” reports Engadget.


A technology, gadget and video game enthusiast that loves covering the latest industry news. Favorite trade show? Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.