To celebrate the release of Marvel’s Avengers Endgame on Friday in India, Oppo launched the limited edition Oppo F11 Pro Avengers Endgame edition smartphone. Sporting a Captain American-inspired space blue finish, a dual rear camera setup in silver with a 48-megapixel primary sensor and a 5-megapixel secondary sensor, as well as a Cap-themed protective cover. Other features include: a 6.5-inch IPS LCD, 6GB of RAM, 120GB of internal storage, 16MP front-facing camera, and a Mediatek Helio P70 processor. Read more for an unboxing video and additional information.
“The box has also been redecorated to match the Avengers theme and includes an collectible Avengers Endgame badge as well as a protective cover with the Captain America shield pasted on top — in addition to the usual charger and charging cable. Aside from making it ‘look’ like an Avengers phone, Oppo has upgraded the storage from 64GB on the original Oppo F11 Pro to 128GB for the limited edition variant,” reports Business Insider.