Photo credit: Mark Davis / Getty Images for Microsoft
Rapper Soulja Boy managed to hit number one on the Billboard charts back in 2007 with “Crank That,” but ever since then, he has dabbled in many businesses, including hoverboards. Now, he’s selling two different video game consoles on his website, the self-branded SouljaGame Console as well as the SouljaGame Handheld, and they’re not what you think. The former allegedly runs “PlayStation / NEO GEO / PC / SEGA / Game Boy Advance / NES Video Games” and comes with 800 preinstalled games, while SouljaGame Handheld supports “Nintendo Switch / 3DS / Vita / NEO GEO / Game Boy Color / Game Boy/ Game Boy Advance,” including the 3,000 built-in games. Read more for another video and additional information.
These consoles are manufactured by Chinese company Anbernic, whose products can be found on Amazon and Alibaba for far less than what Soulja is charging. Apparently, Soulja Boy tweeted that he made $250,000 off of console sales in less than 24 hours.
“Soulja Boy’s website SouljaWatch also sells other tech products like smartwatches, wireless earbuds, over-the-ear headphones and even a Soulja-branded smartphone. Soulja Boy’s representatives, Nintendo and Sony didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment,” reports CNET.