Xiaomi president and co-founder Lin Bin has confirmed that the company will be releasing a folding mobile phone by posting a teaser on Weibo earlier this week. Unlike similar devices previewed by its competitors, this flexible device can fold on both sides, and the UI automatically adjusts. “After tackling flexible folding display, four-way folding hinge, flexible cover tech, MIUI adaptation and other technical challenges, we have made the first foldable phone, and should also be the world’s first dual-folding phone. This symmetrically dual-outer-folding form factor perfectly merges the experience of a tablet and a phone, it’s both practical and beautiful. Even though it’s still a prototype, we’re showing it to you all. Feel free to share, comment and like. If you all like it, we will consider mass producing it. Also, we would like to give this prototype a name. What do you think? I have two: Mi Dual Flex, Mi MIX Flex. Suggestions are welcome,” said Bin’s post on Weibo. Read more a collection of fascinating images from around the web.
15. Ghostbusters 3 Coming in July 2020
14. Skeletal
13. Trabzon, Turkey
12. Mass Effect
11. This Exists
Banana which has a consistency of ice cream and a flavor similar to Vanilla…
10. Surreal
9. Eagle-Shaped
8. Instagram Photo to Anime Character
7. Gamer’s Dream
6. In an Alternate Universe
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4. Northern Lights
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2. The More You Know
TIL Alligators chill in an icy swamp with their noses above the ice… then unthaw and are fine
1. Hollywood Needs to Make This Happen