Photo credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, L. Ho et al.
NASA/ESA’s Hubble Space Telescope has captured a stunning new image of NGC 2903, a spiral galaxy located about 30 million light-years away in the constellation of Leo (the Lion). It was studied as part of a Hubble survey of the central regions of roughly 145 nearby disk galaxies, and aims to help astronomers better understand the relationship between the black holes that lurk at the cores of galaxies like these, and the rugby-ball-shaped bulge of stars, gas and dust at the galaxy’s center, like those seen in this image.
“Nearly three-quarters of all galaxies in the universe are spiral shaped. The galaxies’ distinguishing features include arms that are full of solar systems and other features. Our Milky Way galaxy was also thought to be a spiral until the 1960s, when it was reclassified as a barred spiral. This means it is essentially a spiral galaxy with a distinct center bar as well as spiral arms,” reports RT.
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