A 25-year-old woman from Taiwan constantly used her smartphone at maximum screen brightness for two years and managed to do some serious damage to her eyes, including burning 500 small holes into her cornea. Why was her screen brightness set to maximum? She discovered it was much easier to read messages even in bright sunlight, but eventually, it was never turned back, even when watching videos with the light off. After a while, she would often wake up with bloodshot eyes and had blurred vision throughout the day until things got so bad that she finally consulted an ophthalmologist. Read more for the news report and additional information.
“During the initial checkup, Hong Qiting, a professor of ophthalmology at the Pingtung Fuying University of Science and Technology, found that the blood vessels in Chen’s eyes were congested, and a subsequent examination revealed around 500 tiny holes on her left cornea. Her vision was severely effected by that point, so the doctor started treating her with steroids and after three days her condition began to improve,” reports Oddity Central.