Lamborghini Gallardo Replica Mitsubishi Eclipse
The Gallardo is currently Lamborghini’s best-selling model with a total of 14,022 built throughout its production run between 2003 – 2013, so it’s not shocking to see that many kit car enthusiasts want to create replicas of this supercar. Wheelers Builders did just that, and it turned out far better than other attempts we’ve seen over the years, thanks to its Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder donor car. Read more for two videos and additional information.

The team started by coming up with CAD drawings of various cars overlaid onto a Gallardo body before deciding on the Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. After the latter was acquired, they sliced the unibody up and re-welded it until the body fit properly. The coolest feature would probably be its functional doors, which use the existing Eclipse power window motors.

A few caveats: it’s still a front-wheel-drive car powered by the Eclipse’s stock 3.0-liter V6. However, after all was said and done, the team spent just around $16,000 to create the Gallardo replica you see above.


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