Mitsubishi Robot Rubik's Cube Guinness World Record
A Mitsubishi robot managed to solve a Rubik’s Cube in a mere 0.305 seconds, setting a new Guinness World Record in the process. Called the TOKUI Fast Accurate Synchronized motion Testing Robot (TOKUFASTbot), it’s capable of performing a 90° rotation in just 0.009 seconds, thanks to its rotation mechanism.

Unlike other robots built specifically for solving Rubik’s Cubes, TOKUFASTbot spends most of its days enhancing motor manufacturing for appliances such as air conditioners and ventilation fans. When puzzle solving time arrives, it activates its high-power, signal-responsive servomotors and a color-recognition algorithm developed with proprietary AI technology.

Rubik's Cube, The Original 3x3 Color-Matching Puzzle Classic Problem-Solving Challenging Brain Teaser...
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  • TURN, TWIST & REPEAT: The Rubik’s Cube features six different coloured sides, each made up of nine squares. Once the faces are jumbled up, you are...
  • A MUST HAVE FOR PUZZLE LOVERS: This original cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 combinations, but only one solution. Do you have what it takes to...

Mitsubishi Robot Rubik's Cube Guinness World Record

Since establishing our Component Production Engineering Center in 2016, we have been developing and manufacturing high-tech motors, power semiconductors and related products. To demonstrate our technical capabilities in achieving high-speed, high-precision windings, which are key to increasing the productivity and efficiency of motors used in many of our products, our young engineers voluntarily worked to set the world record,” said Yuji Yoshimura, Senior General Manager, Component Production Engineering Center, Mitsubishi Electric.



When it comes to cars, video games or geek culture, Bill is an expert of those and more. If not writing, Bill can be found traveling the world.